Loch Lomond Preliminary Drainage Report, City of Arlington Department Public Works
We performed a drainage analysis of the drainage problems that existed in the Loch Lomond vicinity. The drainage analysis included an evaluation of existing drainage system deficiencies including lot and home flooding occurances. The scope of work included preliminary design surveys. The analysis and report included an evaluation of alternative drainage solutions, recommendations for drainage system improvements, driveway modifications, and an opinion of construction cost for improvement alternatives.
▪ Increased detention storage of the lake to reduce the water surface elevation toServices:
▪ Design for removal and/or replacement of 5600 feet of 6”-12” water lines and 7100 feetLoch Lomond Drainage & Pavement Rehabilitation & Live Oak Lane
Utility Replacement
Location: Arlington, Texas
▪ Design Surveys
▪ Preliminary drainage study and final design and plan production for drainage and
paving rehabilitation improvements in the Loch Lomond project vicinity
▪ Design for water and sanitary sewer line replacement in Live Oak Lane, and utility
relocations and adjustments in Loch Lomond Drive, Loch Lomond Court & Crowley Rd
Great Southwest Parkway Extension & BNSF Railroad Crossing from Lone Star Boulevard to BNSF Unit Train Terminal
Location: Fort Worth, Texas
▪ Design Surveys & Easement Documents
▪ Preliminary design & opinion of cost for street, drainage & utilities and managed finalAbrams Road: Jimat to Cooper Water and Sewer Replacement
Location: Arlington, Texas
▪ Street reclamation and partial
drainage improvements
funded by Public Works
and Transportation Department
▪ 8” water and 8” sanitary sewer improvements within the street limits and approx. 4700 ft
of street reclamation, partial curb & gutter replacement
▪ Design Surveys & Easement Documents
▪ Assisted with TWDB SRF preliminary funding application for 2013 for wastewaterSTORM DRAINAGE
▪ Civil plans including water & sanitary sewer utilities, storm drainage systemGreen Oaks Blvd. Addition of 5th
& 6th Lanes from Fielder Rd to Lincoln Blvd
Location: Arlington, Texas
▪ Design Surveys
▪ Civil plans for additional 5th & 6th lanes to existing four lane boulevard
Abrams Road: Jimat to Cooper Street Reclamation
Location: Arlington, Texas
▪ Design Surveys
▪ Civil design for street reclamation and partial
drainage improvements
funded by Public
Works and Transportation Department
▪ Approximately 4700 feet of street reclamation, partial curb and gutter
partialstorm drainage improvements
▪ 8" water and 8" sanitary sewer improvements within the street limits
▪ Developed hydraulic model & mapping for existing system and future conditions
for water district with 5700 customers
▪ Scope included identification of system deficiencies and development of a
capital improvement plan to enhance distribution system
▪ Evaluation of existing line capacity of major wastewater lines, coordination and
review of flow measurement, identification of deficiencies and recommendations
for improvements for major wastewater trunk lines
American Way, Patriot Drive & Park Avenue Extension
Location: Midlothian, Texas
▪ Design Surveys & CA Services
▪ Concrete road design extensions for selected streets including storm drainage, water
and sanitary sewer
US 287 Acceleration/Deceleration Lane/Driveway Improvements
Location: Mansfield, Texas
▪ Design & CA for concrete entrance and acceleration/deceleration lane
▪ Improved design to encourage smooth increases in traffic flow
▪ TXDoT Permit Applications
A S S O C I A T E S , L C